Oracle RAC 10g on VMware (CentOS 4) part 3videoOracle RAC 10g on VMware (CentOS 4) part 32 Likes
April 2013
Oracle Business IntelligenceGroupOracle Business Intelligence68 LikesOracle Recruitment GroupGroupOracle Recruitment Group78 LikesOracle OpenWorldGroupOracle OpenWorld92 LikesOracle CommunityGroupOracle Community199 LikesOracle ConsultantsGroupOracle Consultants70 LikesBasic Training on Oracle Apps - Part 1videoBasic Training on Oracle Apps - Part 119 LikesNo TitlevideoNo Title5 LikesOracle Database Assignment HelpvideoOracle Database Assignment Help5 LikesError in Code I'm trying to include the following statement in my PLSQL code:select msa_code, mda_desc, zip_code_nksales.msawhere zip_code_nk = prod_rec.zip_code_nk;When there is not a zip_code_nk in the msa tabl…DiscussionError in Code2 LikesComments in Oracle.How do i represent comments in Oracle?DiscussionComments in Oracle.1 LikeTest a string for a numeric valueIn Oracle, I want to know if a string value is numeric only. How can I do this?DiscussionTest a string for a numeric value2 LikesInsert a date/time value into an Oracle tableI have a date field in an Oracle table and I want to insert a new record. I'm trying to insert a date with a time component into this field, but I'm having some problems.
How can I insert this value…DiscussionInsert a date/time value into an Oracle table1 LikeRetrieve Top N records from a queryHow can I retrieve the Top N records from a query?
For example, what if I wanted to retrieve the first 3 records from my query results. How can I do this?DiscussionRetrieve Top N records from a query1 Like