2010-03-12 05:39:50.760: [ RACG][22] [15360][22][ora.EBPPDB.EBPPDB2.inst]: GIMH: GIM-00104: Health check failed to connect to instance.
GIM-00090: OS-dependent operation:mmap failed with status: 12
GIM-00091: OS failure message: Not enough space
GIM-00092: OS failure occurred at: sskgmsmr_13

This is the repeated message in RAC node 2, can you just give us the solution???

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> GIM-00091: OS failure message: Not enough space

you shouldn't mess around with a RAC environment when you don't understand error messages.

am not an expert in DB,but when i came at client site for performance tuning i got this error in imon.log, so i need u r suggestions that wat will b the cause for this and any impact of this on server performance and what measures can be taken,,,
hope you understand....


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